Adv. Math. Econ. Volume 2, pp.137-160 (2000)
Allocations of labour resources on trajectories for the model with discrete innovations
Alexander J. Zaslavski
Department of Mathematics, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, 32000, Haifa, Israel

In [1] Makarov introduced the model with discrete innovations considered
in [4-8]. The state of the economy is determined by a set of operating
technologies, collection of funds corresponding to these technologies, and a set of
known, but as yet not implemented technologies. To introduce a new technology,
expenditures of the already utilized types of funds are required. As a result of these
expenditures, the new technology at the next instant of time will be introduced into
action with a certain initial reserve of the new funds. In this paper we introduce
a generalization of this model which takes into account expenditures required for
reallocation of labour resources. For this generalization we analyse allocations of
labour resources on model trajectories.

trajectory, optimality criterion, superlinear function, technology